The New Dilemma of Genshin Impact Players, Should Pull on Ganyu Banner or Wait for Xiao?
The presence of new characters in Genshin Impact never fails to attract the attention of fans. Whether it’s an ordinary character or a visible waifu.. ahem “wangy”, the temptation to spend Primogem to get the target character will always arise. This is even more so with the presence of Ganyu’s new character banner at Genshin Impact next week. The enthusiasm for Ganyu is indeed much higher than for Albedo, but not a few fans are considering saving their Primogem for another new character. For example, like Xiao and Hu Tao which will reportedly appear in Update 1.3.
A new dilemma finally arises, where there are fans who want to get Ganyu but don’t want to miss Xiao, and vice versa. It’s not a problem, of course, if the number of Primogems a player has is sufficient, unfortunately most Genshin Impact players prefer to save and use a makeshift Primogem to get a character. So determining which banner is more needed is a priority that must be determined from now on.
In order to overcome this dilemma, we have summarized a few explanations and tips to enlighten you. Instead of being curious, just take a look at the full summary below!
Each Character’s Playstyle
Seeing the outward appearance alone is certainly not enough to determine which character you want to get more. For that, it’s a good idea to know the details of each character such as the weapons used, skills, and their fighting style. We deliberately did not include Hu Tao in this article because he is still one of the characters with the least gameplay details so far (even less than Ayaka).
Ganyu – 5-Star Cryo & Bow User
Ganyu is the secretary of the Yuehai Pavilion who handles many heavy tasks compared to ordinary people. He is also known to carry out his duties as part of a contract with Rex Lapis which he signed some 3,000 years ago. Besides having a unique appetite and being a Qingxin flower lover, Ganyu also likes to spend time alone. Because work is part of something he loves most, work is also part of his hobby.
He is a Bow weapon user and has Cryo element Vision. His special ability shines even more in Charged Attack which has two levels with higher Cryo damage. He is also an expert in launching AoE attacks that can give aggro to enemies through the standard skill Trail of the Qilin, and raining Sacred Cryo Pearl with a wide range of attacks through the ultimate skill Celestial Shower.

Because some of his skills are useful for starting elemental reactions, especially from a wide range of attacks, Ganyu will be very suitable as DPS Support with Pyro or Hydro DPS characters. It should also be noted that Ganyu does not have the Healing skill like Diona who is both a Bow user Cryo character. So make sure your party has provided adequate support characters to help Ganyu. The point is Ganyu is a character that is more suitable for use as DPS Support who relies more on teamwork than pure DPS.
Xiao – 5-Star Anemo & Polearm User
Another Adepti character that has existed in Genshin Impact since the opening of the Closed Beta of the two games. Xiao is one of the remaining Yaksha members and takes on the task of exterminating the demon spirits that threaten Liyue. Despite his youthful appearance, Xiao was originally a legendary figure that had existed for thousands of years. His character also looks relaxed, polite, and always thinks logically in responding to existing problems.
But that calm figure seemed to instantly break when Xiao was fighting. He is probably one of the characters in Genshin Impact by far who has the most wild, brutal fighting style, and doesn’t even hesitate to throw harsh taunts at his enemies. Some of the testers who had played Xiao in the game’s Closed Beta at that time also gave very positive impressions. Where they also mention that Xiao is the most broken DPS compared to other Genshin Impact characters.

Relying on a polearm or spear as his main weapon, Xiao has Anemo elemental Vision which is quite well utilized. This can also be seen from how every attack Xiao launches always has a large area and can produce a gust of wind effect. Very different from other polearm user characters who tend to focus more on facing enemies one by one with piercing attacks.
For elemental skills, Xiao can launch a very fast piercing attack and has 2 charges through Lemniscatic Wind Cycling. While his ultimate Bane of All Evil skill can change Xiao’s form in the form of a Yaksha and increase his attack power and jumping ability drastically. But this skill has a price, which is a gradual decrease in HP when activated. As can be observed, Xiao is a pure DPS character who has terrible skills.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Character
Moving on to the advantages and disadvantages, this is actually quite difficult to determine if you haven’t played the character. For that we try to judge it from the various details that have been shared so far.
First for Ganyu. The advantage he has lies in his very reliable role as DPS Support, where he can launch skills to give aggro to enemies to launch Cryo attacks in a very wide AoE range. This of course can be used as a build-up for elemental reaction combos for Pyro and Hydro DPS characters. Charged Shot attacks that have 2 charges and higher damage also make Ganyu shine more as a support character, especially when you play with a party.

Meanwhile, the shortcomings may lie in the overall support skills which are quite standard and not even much different from Amber. Unless you can maximize the character build and achieve a high Constellation, Ganyu for a 5-star character size we must admit does not have the expected WOW factor. But in the end there must be many of you (including us) who are interested in Ganyu because of its status as a waifu material.

Switch to Xiao, as we already know he is a DPS monster that can be your best asset on the battlefield. In addition to a combination of normal attacks that are fast and cover a wide area, Xiao is equipped with very strong elemental skills and makes him even more dominant as a DPS character. Its potential is also even crazier if you can increase its Constellation.
Because it is a pure DPS character who can push himself a little into a dangerous position, Xiao is a weak character in terms of defense. This deficiency is more visible when his ultimate skill that can reduce HP is activated. In order to cover this shortcoming, once again we advise you to prepare a qualified healer character to protect a selfish type fighter like Xiao.
When is the Character Banner Available?
Luckily you don’t have to wait long to get Ganyu right away, because the character banner will be available next week. It is possible that the banner can be accessed one day after the Albedo event banner period ends. While the new Xiao will appear later as part of Update 1.3 in February. Xiao will later be accompanied by another 5-star character who is also attracting the attention of the community, namely Hu Tao.
If at this point you still can’t decide which character you want to get, then there’s nothing wrong with getting serious about saving Primogem. We happened to have summarized careful bergacha tips to be more consistent in getting 5-star characters, so be sure to check the article for more enlightenment.
Download the Game Now
Genshin Impact is now available and you can play for free on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, and mobile (Android and iOS). Currently the game is still holding The Chalk Prince and The Dragon event as part of Update 1.2. Meanwhile, Update 1.3 which features Xiao and Hu Tao will arrive in February.

Genshin Impact
Publisher: miHoYo
Developer: miHoYo
Release Date: 2020-09-28
Android, iOS, PC, PS4, PS5
Welcome to Teyvat, a fantasy world that is ready to take you on a great adventure as a Traveler from another world. True to its premise, Genshin Impact is an open-world RPG that offers action-based gameplay and a unique mix of Magic elements. During your adventure, you will be accompanied by many interesting characters with their unique fighting styles, backgrounds, and personalities that make Teyvat feel even more alive.
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