Update 1.2 Genshin Impact Finally Arrives! Here's What You Must Know Before Your Dragonspine Adventure!
Since its release last September, Genshin Impact seems to have brought a huge wave of hype around the world. Mihoyo’s efforts in concocting AAA quality games that can also be played on mobile were very clear, until in the end they managed to reap extraordinary profits and received various awards for the best mobile games in 2020. The community base is also getting bigger and more active, especially with the support globally. consistently through new updates that are not half-hearted and always bring interesting content.
Following the release of Update 1.1 which became a big hit last month, Mihoyo has finally officially released Update 1.2 “The Chalk Prince and the Dragon”. Different from the previous update, the content offered by Version 1.2 is denser and also includes a new area called Dragonspine. This area which includes snowy mountains with a cold climate is the main focus where Story Quests, Character Quests, World Quests, Commissions, to the latest features will invite you to go around Dragonspine.
Exploration is indeed part of the daily diet of Genshin Impact players, but Dragonspine is an area that has a different structure and is more challenging to explore, especially from the fierce snowy climate that can weaken your character. So to prepare yourself, here are a few things you should know before venturing into Dragonspine.
Challenging Subzero Climate Mechanism

As we mentioned above, Dragonspine is a new area that includes snowy mountains with a fierce climate. This vast area located in the southern part of Mondstadt holds many secrets and its own uniqueness, one of which is how the climate can weaken your character. Through a new mechanism called Subzero Climate, the character you play can be exposed to Sheer Cold status which can reduce HP to zero.
To prevent the character from dying from the cold, you can warm yourself by using a bonfire, fire torch, and other heat sources that can reduce the effect of Sheer Cold status. Also be aware of some conditions such as breaking through a blizzard or swimming in cold water, because the Sheer Cold status will automatically strengthen.
Is it Safe to Go on an Adventure with Hydro Elemental Characters?

Currently there is debate and jokes among the Genshin community, where many think that a character with Hydro elements like Barbara will feel like hell while exploring Dragonspine. This claim certainly makes sense, because the strong Cryo element reaction in Dragonspine can make a character with a Wet status freeze and automatically unreliable.
But please note that the freeze reaction only affects characters who have Wet status, so even if you play with Hydro characters you will still be safe because they can’t give themselves Wet status. Although safe, we definitely recommend that you use strong characters with Cryo elements such as Diluc, Klee, Xiangling, and other Pyro element characters.
Diligently Collect Crimson Agate

When exploring Dragonspine, you will also often find a kind of red crystal-shaped object called Crimson Agate. This object is an important resource that can be used as an offering in the Frsotbearing Tree. Depending on how much Crimson Agate you give, the level of the Frostbearing Tree will increase and give access to various rewards ranging from Acquaint Fate, Intertwined Fate, Wind Glider, Mora, Weapon EXP Material, Character EXP Material, Talent Level-Up Material, and diagram to create a new Gadget.
Immediately Follow New Events To Get Exclusive Rewards

The arrival of the new update is also a moment for players to participate in new events as well, and Update 1.2 brings many events that you definitely don’t want to miss. In addition to the main event “The Chalk Prince and the Dragon” which takes you on a new adventure with Albedo and Sucrose, there are also other interesting events that are ready to keep you busy until the next update in January.
Participating in this new series of events not only provides extra story content to enjoy, because a series of exclusive rewards in the form of new weapons such as the Festering Desire for example, can only be obtained by participating in the event in this 1.2 update. So before you forget or don’t have time, it’s a good idea to put a priority on completing the existing event.
New QOL Features That Make Your Adventure More Exciting

Along with every new update that is released, we feel we have to give appreciation to Mihoyo because they always bring changes on the QOL (Quality of Live) side. Here we talk about the presence of new features that make the playing experience even more exciting. For the 1.2 update itself, some of the QOL features include access to private chat with friends, a more overhauled photo mode feature via the “Camera” gadget, additional pin maps that can be tracked, the option to repeat the Domain Challenge without leaving the Domain, and much more. . All of this automatically makes playing activities that previously seemed troublesome to be more practical.
Should Pull in the New Character Banner?

Not to be missed, of course, is the new 5-Star character Event Banner, where in Update 1.2 this time you can get Albedo and Ganyu. Even though it’s optional, we understand very well that there must be many of you who are unsure whether to pull up on this new character banner. Actually, there is already a way you can do, namely by trying new characters for free through Test Run. It’s just that we prefer you to consider team and character formations with elements that match your target.
For example, in the latest banner, you now have a chance to get Albedo who is a Swordsman with Geo elements, but is she really needed? What if your team formation is perfect and adding Albedo can destroy the synergy that has been built? This also doesn’t include the extra effort you have to put in to strengthen your character’s Talent and ascend to the maximum level. So before regretting, try to always weigh the pros and cons before making a pull.
So that’s a summary of the things you must know before venturing into Dragonspine. Hopefully with this information you can get the enlightenment needed to deal with the violence in the new area of Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact
Publisher: miHoYo
Developer: miHoYo
Release Date: 2020-09-28
Android, iOS, PC, PS4, PS5
Welcome to Teyvat, a fantasy world that is ready to take you on a great adventure as a Traveler from another world. True to its premise, Genshin Impact is an open-world RPG that offers action-based gameplay and a unique mix of Magic elements. During your adventure, you will be accompanied by lots of interesting characters with their unique fighting styles, backgrounds, and personalities that make Teyvat feel even more alive.
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