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Warhammer Odyssey Releases New Character Art for Witch Hunter and Warrior Priest

Upcoming MMO game Warhammer Odyssey has released several concept art new to their social media. The descriptions they gave were for the male Witch Hunter class and the female Warrior Priest class.

Warhammer Odyssey is currently in Closed Beta and is taking a lot of feedback from players. One of the responses they got was that players wanted to have more flexibility in choosing their characters. In response to those responses, they issued a second concept art this.

As can be seen, the two classes shown have four levels, or tier. With each new tier, characters will gain more powerful gear even if they start by using nothing at Tier 0.

For the Witch Hunter, he gets a simple outfit as well as a regular sword and gun upon entering Tier 1. For Tier 2 and Tier 3, the clothes he wears gain more detail and armor. The weapon also changes, with the gun getting a knife and finally two bayonets, while the sword gets hilt guard at tier 3.

On the other hand, Warrior Priests gain thin looking armor, round shields, and a large hammer by entering Tier 1. In the Tier 3 version, his armor has changed to be much more protective than Tier 1. His shield has also become bigger and the tip of his hammer has become bigger. complicated and get a more sturdy handle.

Currently only these two classes are getting concept art new. We don’t know if the other four classes will get their drawings any time soon.

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