[WEEK 1] SMARTFREN IES Autochess Tournament
The match on the first day of the main event for the Auto Chess game on July 3 brought together representatives from Aceh (Aceh Syhedara) and Bangka Belitung (Bangka Underpass). The players who competed include REAR.Ara, ID.MTG, H4NZO, Oreo from Aceh, while from Babylon represented by Sanjooy, Libra, EZY & Lonewolf.
Sanjooy and Ezy were able to maintain a win streak at the beginning of the game with a group of Warriors, while Ara and Lonewolf played on a losing streak and focused on leveling up. Warrior seems to be a popular meta on this occasion because it is easy to collect. Some players also rely on summons from Whisper Seer and some choose high-damage compositions from Hunter plus Egersis.
5 players were monitored using 6 Warriors for round 15, Ezy who excelled with 8 wins streak didn’t want to slack off immediately to level 8. He strengthened his defensive formation by heal Warpod Sage and diversion tiller Whisperer Seer.
MTG showed a revival with gaspol towards 9 Warriors in the 20th round, even stopping Ezy’s winstreak. Ezy’s lack of dealer damage causes her scaling board to be chased by enemies. Other competitors combine Warrior with Fallen Witcher’s painful hits with blinks to make it difficult to reach skills or blows from enemies.
Lonewolf returned to the lobby first followed by Ara, Sanjooy and Orea who too soon together. Libra silently numbed with the composition of the Dragon-Mage, avoiding the pawn struggle that had been busy prioritizing Warriors from the start.
H4nzo held on to the top three with only 4 heats left it took a pawn to round out a 3-star Fallen Witcher for a dramatic comeback, sadly he was knocked out by the Mage of Libra. The Mage vs Warrior duel is inevitable between Libra and MTG.
Even after using effects buff magic resistance from Siren, the average MTG troop was hit by Tortola Elder’s torrent of light. Fortunately, Doom who was infested with various items still survived to win the round.
Libra is not afraid, even though Doom is quite dangerous, the late game power of the mage is too high and finally won the first wave for Libra from Bangka Belitung.
IES Auto Chess Aceh (Syhedara) vs Babel (Underpas)

Second wave The IES Smartfren Auto Chess tournament got off to a good start by Libra. He was lucky enough to get important Mech-Goblin pawns and instantly earned two stars in just a few rounds.
Libra balances the board’s strength with the hunter’s dps, then trades it for the more luxurious pawn Doom. Libra’s closest competitor, ID MTG opted for the Hunter-Egersis combo to break into Libra’s mech-warrior defenses.
Until round 15, Libra still maintains a 10 win streak. He replaces some cheap pawns with heroes like Desperate Doctor because it has stun and Warlock synergy potential when found Venomancer, Soul Reaper or Dark Spirit . Not to forget, he increased the level of the board to make it more superior.
Some competitors respond to the Libra board with a summoned beast pack plus pure damage Fallen Witcher. Ezy, H4nzo and Ara ran out of blood first, on the other hand MTG had managed to beat the board from Libra.
Despite failing to maintain a perfect win, Libra maintains the economy and collects important pawns for the late game later. Lonewolf who was too soon in the first match again made a technical error by giving equipment Frantic Mask to Fallen Witcher, as a result this hero is silent and cannot change form.
Lonewolf, eliminated after meeting Libra, catches a blunder from Lonewolf. It makes upgrading the board a mess. Too many unused upgrade eggs finally combine themselves, he should be able to deploy them on the tier 5 hero he already has. MTG temporarily managed to up Sniper to 3 stars to clash with Libra.
The duel between Libra and MTG happens again, Libra is still holding back the 51 gold he has considering the health is still high. MTG is slowly eroding that blood until Libra needs to go all-out. Although Libra found a 3-star Devastator, the duo Sniper and Egersis Hunter MTG managed to turn things around. Libra’s mistake was fatal because he had to settle for being runner up in match 2.
The third game starts again with the Goblin-Warrior troops from Libra getting a winstreak, he then transitions to 9 Warriors with the Soul Reaper heal buff. The MTG that continues to compete with Libra is back with a Hunter synergy that has proven rarely used by other players. The losing streak game from Oreo was very risky because he only had 18 HP left in the 15th round. He was also eliminated early in the 17th round.
Venomancer is quite popular as a core this time, some players have played normally by strengthening this hero through itemization and the right synergy like Kira and Beast. Libra, who is consistently at the top, tries to fight the Venomancers with the full Rogue Guard item. Unfortunately, he can still be knocked down by the full Goblin-Warlock combo.
MTG ID survived after the Sniper again became a 3 star, he did not hesitate to provide important items for this deadly hunter. However, Rogue Guard Libra managed to capture MTG’s flagship Sniper and send it to the lobby first.
Libra now has to duel with Ezy, the Goblin Warrior troops turned out to have better sustain thanks to armor and heal and area explosions from Devastator. Libra also had to settle for two runners up and Ezy got first place
IES Auto Chess Sumsel (Fort Kutoa Besak) vs West Sumatra (Sumbar Pride)

The second wave of the IES Auto Chess tournament brought together South Sumatra and West Sumatra. There were six players competing, namely Aldo22, Mugi, Hanbei, Pengki, SS Joe and SS Jemzy.
Jemzy immediately gasped with the synergy of Hunter-Egersis-Dragon while other players tried to build more stable in offensive and defensive such as Goblins and Warriors. Mugi has a fairly strong board with the synergy of 6 Warriors in round 14, and even has a Berserker as the main carry. Unfortunately, Henbei had a stronger Berserker with better items.
Pengki became the first player to be eliminated in round 23 even though the Knight-Dragon synergy was complete. Mugi and Hanbei who both play Warrior and have 1 HP left have a life and death duel, luckily the roll at the last second saved Mugi to get to the top three.
SS Joe and SS Jamzy duel for first place. Joe’s Rogue Guard slash proved to be very effective at leveling Dragon Jemzy’s troops. Joe won the first match of the South Sumatra vs West Sumatra regional duel.
second game, the six participants still started with a comfort pick like Warrior. Only Mugi takes the risk of an open fort or does not put a pawn so that gold from a losing streak can be collected faster.
Aldo is quite lucky with the many 2-star Warriors he finds. He wasn’t tempted to transition to Kira and chose the Synergy 9 Warrior. Mugi’s patience began to pay off as his Beast-Demon army began to gather. He immediately leveled up to 8th and spent all the gold to catch up. Mugi was able to end Aldo22’s win streak and also eliminated Joe and Jemzy who were previously ranked 1 and 2.
Unfortunately, Mugi was eliminated from Henbei who was also playing Beast Demon. The match ended with Aldo22’s victory who consistently maintained the level and strength of his 9 Warrior pawns.
Mugi repeated the open fort strategy in the third match. While Aldo maintains a win streak in order to get similar results as the previous game. However, he is now playing a tanky Demon-Beast but has high damage.
Mugi’s open fort doesn’t work in this game, the blood is too thin and the hero level doesn’t increase, making it easy for Aldo22 to crush the board. Aldo’s victory in the third game became even more certain after he found a 3-star Fallen Witcher in round 26, while the duo SS Joe and Jemzy again fell together and failed to make it to the top three.
That’s the recap and highlight of the IES Smarfren Indonesia Championship last week. Stay tuned for the actions of hidden regional talents only at the IES Smartfren Indonesia Championship on Ligagame Esports TV.
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