3 CC Suppress Heroes Mobile Legends
Hero Mobile Legends has various types of abilities such as Crowd Control (CC). This CC itself has various types, such as stun, this ability is very useful for countering certain heroes. But you have to know that of the many types of CC there is one special type of CC, namely CC Suppress.
This CC Suppress is more deadly and annoying than stun, because CC can be very effective at countering various heroes, including immune heroes. Besides, this CC is so special, only three heroes have it but that’s only for now. Curious what heroes? Read on!
1. Franco

You definitely know this one hero. Franco is known to be very annoying not only because of his hook but also his ultimate. Ultimate Franco has a CC suppress that is very lethal from other CCs. If CC stun or airborne will not have an impact on hero immune but Franco’s CC suppress easily counters hero immune.
2. Kaja

The hero with the second Suppress is Kaja, this hero has a very annoying CC. Ultimate can easily lock the opponent and open a gap for the attacking team. This is what makes Kaja a very popular support compared to other supports.
3. Barats

This hero has not been present in Mobile Legends for too long when compared to Franco and Kaja. Even so, the popularity of Barats is not inferior to other heroes. Barats has a deadly CC Suppress skill and easily counters opponents. Not only that, the ultimate will also lock the opponent and the opponent can only surrender.
So, those are the three Mobile Legends heroes who have the annoying CC Suppress. What do you think about the three CC Suppress heroes? Write your opinion in the comments column yes!
Well, that’s the information for Mobile Legends this time and for those of you who don’t want to miss information about the game world, don’t forget to keep updating information by visiting Gamedaim or installing the application.
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