DLC COVID-19 Plague Inc. FREE! Until the pandemic is safely under control

DLC COVID-19 Plague Inc. FREE! Until the pandemic is safely under control – Ndemic Creations is giving away COVID-19 DLC for free. Until this pandemic is under control.
As Covid-19 began to spread and make headlines everywhere, Plague Inc’s gaming skyrocketed too. This game is indeed in accordance with the conditions of the spread of the virus that is happening in the world today.
Plague Inc allows players to create and spread pathogens around the world in an attempt to destroy the world. The Plague Inc game suddenly became popular and also became a controversy when the world was facing an epidemic that claimed many lives.
Free Covid-19 Pluague Inc DLC
The developer of Plague Inc., Ndemic Creation, tried to make strategic steps to overcome the controversy. And this step made Ndemic Creation release a DLC entitled Covid-19. This Covid-19 DLC allows players to fight the corona virus head-on. READ ALSO: Plague Inc’s New Fashion. Lets Players Stop the Pandemic
This Covid-19 Plague Inc DLC was created with the help of health experts from around the world including the World Health Organization or WHO. There is also the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), and the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN). cure is the name of Plague Inc’s biggest expansion to date. And the expansion sounds like what the world is doing during this Covid-19 pandemic. READ ALSO: Due to the Corona Virus, the Number of Players of Plague Inc. Game Increases
Players must attempt to stop a deadly global epidemic by allocating my resources. Players also have to increase vaccine testing capacity, make masks, lock down countries and much more.
What’s interesting about this Covid-19 Plague Inc DLC is that anyone can get it for free. Based on the description of the game on Steam, Ndamic Creations has even limited this DLC claim until Covid-19 is under control. READ ALSO: Here are 37 Special Vehicles in GTA 5 PS3 & PS4, FREE!
Download Plague Inc Mobile VIA PlayStore: PLAGUE INC. Download Via Steam: PLAGUE INC.
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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About the author: @ransltn
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