Finally! CS:GO Presents Battle Royale Modes like PUBG and Fortnite

CS GO: Danger Zone, Battle Royale Mode
GridGames.ID – After staying on the paid game side for a long time, finally CS: GO is free for new players, plus there is a new, up-to-date game mode.
However, as GridGames reported yesterday, when CS:GO decided it was free, it got a lot of negative reviews.
But, this time we’re not discussing that, but this classic shooter game finally gave in to the tides of the times, and adopted Battle Royale game modes like PUBG and Fortnite.
Also Read: CS:GO Free, Players Who Already Purchased Flood Negative Reviews
The tight competition in competitive games in the world gaming market also has an impact on the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive aka CS: GO.
CS: GO itself since 2012 has been solid in its stance as a game that must be purchased first on the Steam gaming platform, with a price of around $15.
The game is the same as Counter-Strike which is a modification of the Half-Life game, which can be said to be the foundation of Valve, the company that eventually created the Steam gaming platform.
In this game, players will be divided into two parties, namely terrorists and Counter-Terrorists, to be pitted against their prowess in battle.
Quoted from Nextren, the free version of CSGO is also still adopting the same multiplayer mode, plus the Battle Royale mode.
What does the game look like?
Then, what are the gameplay rules?
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