Glitch that makes enemies hard to shoot in Apex Legends!
Apex Legends since it was released last month can’t be separated from a lot glitch because the game is still new, and many patches will be done soon. No less, many streamers who play this game have faced glitch and bugs in the middle live in front of thousands of spectators. Recently, one glitch happens when playing Apex Legends is met by a famous Twitch streamer, Timthetatman when he plays with Ninja and DrLupo.
In the clip, it can be seen Team spam interactive button repeatedly when using zipline which makes it difficult for the enemy to shoot him! This is not the first time the Team has gone through glitch like that, even he has also been hit bugs which allowed him to shoot even though he had knocked down. Bugs This allows him to use the enemy side and shoot them without realizing that he has actually been hit knocked!
As you know, glitch and bugs This is a common thing especially when the game has just come out. However, if that player uses glitch it’s to take the opportunity, he will make a lot of players dissatisfied. For now, there is still no response from the producer, namely Respawn Entertainment regarding patches that will do.
Last week, famous pro player, Shroud got hit too glitch in Apex Legends!
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