Gloo Mobile Legends Best Counter
Gloo is one of the tanks in Mobile Legends that was just released a few days ago. Even though it has just been released, Gloo has become a prima donna and has become a tire subscriber. The skill that can stick like a parasite is really annoying. Not only that, Gloo also has other very unique advantages that make him hard to beat.
But don’t worry, if Gamedaim previously discussed the Gloo Ml build. So this time Gamedaim will share some heroes who can easily counter Gloo ML. Read on!
1. Angela

Even as a support, Angela is proven to be able to overcome Gloo easily. Angela has a skill area and CC which makes her very strong in the early game / But not only that, Angela’s ultimate is also very influential to counter Gloo.
When Gloo attacks Angela, use Angela’s ulti and enter on friends who are in the turret or who are gathering. Later you can attack Gloo simultaneously.
2. Fanny

You can also use this Assassin Hero to counter Gloo. When Gloo is attached to Fanny, you can quickly go inside the turret or to where the team is gathering so you can attack her at the same time. But as we know, using Fanny is very difficult and not many players can use it.
3. Luo Yi

Luo Yi is also one of the heroes who can counter Gloo, the mechanism is the same as Angela. When Gloo attaches to Luo Yi, you can immediately use Luo Yi’s ulti and teleport to a friend so you can attack him simultaneously or teleport to the turret.
Actually the main key to defeating Gloo is to attack him with great damage either solo or team. In addition, CC such as stun, slow and others are also very influential to defeat Gloo.
That’s the list of Gloo ML counters and for those of you who don’t want to miss information about the game world, don’t forget to keep updating information by visiting Gamedaim or installing the application.
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