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Here are 15 Dota 2 Heroes With the Best Level 25 Talent in Ligagame Version (Part 2)

The 7.00 update that Valve gave to the Dota 2 game gave a lot of changes to the gameplay. The most visible thing is the talent system that can change the course of the game and also the role of a Hero.

Before the 7.00 patch was given, players were only aiming to reach level 16 where they could maximize their ultimate skill and then for the next levels the Hero only got an additional +2 status.

Now that the talent system is given, every player is competing to maximize their Hero’s level to be able to get the last talent which usually has a significant effect on the Hero.

Therefore we try to describe some of the Heroes that we think have the best level 25 talent:

6. Wraith King
Reincarnation Casts Wraithfire Blast or No Reincarnation Mana Cost

In professional matches, usually the Hero Wraith King will be picked at the end to make sure he doesn’t get a counter that can deplete his mana. So talent No Reincarnation Mana Cost not so used. But it’s different with talent Reincarnation Casts Wraithfire which can change the course of the match when the team is in battle. With the death of WK, the enemy will be stunned which can be a turning momentum to attack.

7. Lich
Attacks Apply 30% MS and AS Slow or +35 Ice Armor Structure Armor

By using talent Attacks Apply 30% MS, The Lich seemed to have gotten a Skadi item for free. Then for the next talent that is +35 Ice Armor Structure Armor will make your building defenses tough enough to be penetrated by the enemy.

8. Abbadon
+300 Aphotic Shield Health or +25 Strength

By using talent +300 Aphotic Shield Health will make Abbadon a tanker that can absorb and deal 500 damage to his enemies every 6 seconds and can even be 5.1 seconds with his talent.

9. Mirana
+2 Multishot Sacred Arrows or +100 Leap Attack Speed

By taking +100 Leap Attack Speed then Mirana can be a very fast killing machine when it comes to hitting 1 Support Hero, or with +2 Multishot Sacred Arrows will help Mirana to stun enemies clustered in the base.

10. Outworld Devourer
+8% Spell Amplification or +60s Arcane Orb Intelligence Steal

With talent +60s Arcane Orb Intelligence Steal then OD will be able to steal Intelligence for 140 seconds and allow him to steal a lot of enemy Ints which will give him a large bonus damage to kill his enemies quickly.

Those are some of the heroes that we think have the best level 25 talent, we will add some more heroes in the next article.

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