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Konami Denies Rumors About Silent Hill Reboot

If you follow the news about video games, you must know a little about the rumors about Silent Hill which will be made a reboot version. This rumor was really crowded because Silent Hill itself is franchise been waiting for his arrival for a long time. For those of you who might expect these rumors to be true, you might have to be a little disappointed. Because, Konami finally denied the rumors Silent Hill reboot which was busy some time ago.

When this rumor spread on the internet, people from the Rely On Horror website had time to contact Konami’s PR representative for the Americas to make sure this rumor was true. But unfortunately this is Konami’s answer:

“We are aware of all the rumors circulating but the information is not true. We know that’s not the answer fans might want to hear.

But that’s not to say we completely closed the door to franchise It’s just not like what’s been reported recently.”

Although rumors of a reboot have now been debunked, at least now we know that Silent Hill franchise still alive and will probably return in the future, though don’t know when and how. While the collaboration of Sony and Konami seems impossible at this time. Because they could develop a new title Silent Hill with alternative teams. Similar to what happened to Metal Gear Survive in 2021.

What do you think? Are you also disappointed that the Silent Hill reboot will never happen?

Source: Rely On Horror

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