Scientists Use PACMAN Game To Fight Covid-19, Here's How It Works!

Scientists Use PACMAN Game To Fight Covid-19, Here’s How It Works! – Maybe this sounds crazy. But scientists are using PACMAN technology to fight the coronavirus.
Pacman is a classic game title that you must have played before. But recently emerged a new technology with the same name to stop Covid-19. A group of scientists from Stanford University reused Pacman medical equipment to fight the coronavirus.
With additional technological enhancements coming from Tesla, this technology called the classic game also gets an upgrade on a biological level. The name Pac-man is currently used for the technology to find a cure for Covid-19.
PACMAN Covid-19
Actually the technology used by researchers at Stanford has absolutely nothing to do with the game made by Namco. In this case, PACMAN is an acronym which stands for Prophylactic Antiviral CRISPR in human cells. Initially this technology used the CRISPR gene editing tool to combat influenza. But in the hands of Stanford researchers in collaboration with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Department of Energy. The two groups have been working to effectively deliver the biological technology since last March. It was then that one of the Berkeley scientists invented a gene-modifying tool to combat COVID-19 that the Stanford team published.
How PACMAN Works
The way PACMAN works is that it modifies genes so they can fight COVID-19 more effectively. In order for the modified or edited genes to help patients, they have to be delivered to the patient’s lungs where the virus has a major impact there.
Currently the Stanford team is working with scientists at Berkeley to attach a gene treatment to lipitoids that effectively carry both DNA and RNA. This method has proven to be able to help fight the synthetic corona virus that they have tested. The scientists are at a point of positive development, and they hope to start moving the test to lab animals before PACMAN can be administered to human patients.
Let’s hope that this PACMAN technology is successful and can quickly fight Covid-19 which is currently happening all over the world.
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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