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[Special TGS 2021] Resident Evil 2 Remake's first impression

Reminds me of a scary past.

A little preface, I’m not good at playing horror games. Okay, Jago might not be the right word. I couldn’t play horror games when I was little. When my friends play the Resident Evil game, I prefer not to watch or play other games at home. When we entered the Resident Evil booth, I had to restrain myself a bit from overreacting because with a different experience, all the fears that I felt when I was young came back when I had to face Birkin in this game demo.

Capcom’s booth can be said to be unique. In a tent that is designed like an RPD building, this booth stands out compared to other open booths. Body Bags with corpses scattered around the door. Even the entrance is open, and we need to look down to get in. In another story. After being greeted by Babe’s booth in a claire costume, I was taken to an empty booth. He then explained that I had 5 minutes to try this demo. if I die before 5 minutes, the demo ends, if I run out of time, the demo ends. he also explained that there are 2 modes that I can play, Leon or Claire, we can only choose one and cannot go out to change the mode that has been selected.

I decided to choose Claire mode, the accompanying guide then explained that this mode is only for fighting 1 boss. “According to yesterday’s teaser,” I said. from there I remember what happened in the same moment 19 years ago, the fight with the birkin that made me retire from playing horror games.

Clair’s demo begins with her exploring narrow alleyways, as in the original game, Clair is armed with the Grenade launcher in this demo. After taking all the things that could be taken, I continued my journey down some stairs. After a while, I realized that the part I was dealing with was not part of the demo. My guide then directs me to the right path and a Cutscene runs. After skipping the cutscene, my battle with Birkin started.

When the fight started I immediately used all the grenades I had, it seemed that there was an effect, but he still advanced towards me. Changing weapons is easier, and we are given 3 interchangeable slots. after changing the gun to a revolver, I decided to just shoot him in the head. when pressing R2, I was quite surprised to realize that pressing R2 alone is not enough to shoot accurately. The reticule that appears after pressing R2 is not immediately in the center but, spreads out, and begins to move to the center after holding the R2 button longer. the depiction that Claire needs a few seconds to concentrate makes this game even more suspenseful. Shooting would cause the reticule to spread out again, as if the weapon’s recoil was affecting Claire. This realistic effect is in my opinion a good direction for this game, besides increasing the tension factor, it also forces players to remain calm under any circumstances if they want to shoot accurately.

If you are familiar with modern Resident Evil games, the boss battle in this game will feel the same. The background of the boss battle can also be said to be more sinister than the first game. The narrow hallway snaked and forked. Small rooms filled the map, some connected by other roads, some became dead ends. The background visuals themselves are quite scary. Rusty pipes run down the hallway walls. Had I not turned the camera, there were moments I thought I was walking into a dead end. if capcom intends to give a claustrophobic effect, I can honestly say they managed to increase the terror effect just from the map layout for this fight.

After shooting his head a few times it seemed like it had an effect, apart from showing he was having a headache, the big eyes that were in his hands started to open. Weakness thought, and I began to focus my attention on opening those eyes. Just like other modern RE games, both visual and audio instructions will only be a way for us to see how to defeat the enemy effectively.

It didn’t take long for us to win the fight. Our guide then congratulated me and called me “Great player” for defeating Birkin. Before long, we were shown towards the exit from the booth.

There is little that has changed from me after successfully defeating Birkin. Maybe because I have more experience playing games or are older, the fear I used to experience turned into curiosity, instead of panic I wanted to know how to beat the birkin and all fear turned into motivation. But that doesn’t mean the game is less scary than the first. The camera that can be controlled now makes Capcom think hard to still be able to give the impression of being trapped, and they are very successful in the boss battle.

Overall, the experience of playing the demo changed my layman’s view of horror games and Resident eveil 2. My experiences when I was little and now are not much different. Modern elements in terms of visuals and gameplay do not reduce the element of terror in this game, in fact I think Capcom has succeeded in bringing Resident Evil 2 remake, more scary and tense than the first.

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