Stay Human Release December 2021
The riddle of existence Dying Light 2 finally revealed too. Since its introduction at E3 2021, Dying Light 2 it took a long time to complete the development. For those of you who happen to be waiting too Dying Light 2 can now breathe easy. Because, it is certain that Dying Light 2 will be released in 2021.
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In its latest announcement, Techland has finally revealed new information for Dying Light 2, complete with gameplay videos. Carrying the title Stay Human, Dying Light 2 will tell the story of Aiden Caldwell who comes to The City to find his missing acquaintance. But there, surely he will meet an infected creature.
In addition to the infected creatures, players can also meet three factions that have great influence in the game Dying Light 2: Stay Human. Later the players can choose to join or even threaten certain factions to gain an advantage in the game.
For Aiden himself will be equipped with abilities parkour to pass the existing obstacles or can also be used to escape from threats. Because, in this game, players can also meet virus-infected creatures that have evolved over decades.
Dying Light 2: Stay Human will release on December 7, 2021 on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and PC via Steam and EGS.
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