Update Valorant Patch 1.11, Introduce Agent 'Skye'

Update Valorant Patch 1.11, Introduce Agent ‘Skye’ – Riot Games launches update valorant patch 1.11. The following is complete information regarding the Valorant 1.11 update.
In this Valorant 1.11 update, Riot Games brings many updates and bug fixes. But the most interesting thing about this update is the presence of a new agent named Skye.
Previously, the launch of the Skye agent was delayed because Riot was focusing on developing their newest map, Icebox. Icebox is a snowy map that is only available in Deathmatch, Spike Rush, Unrated and Competitive modes. In addition, Riot Games also brought some adjustments to their old agents, namely Breach, Cypher and Killjoy. Here are the details regarding the Valorant Patch 1.11 update:
Update Valorant Patch 1.11
- Just like all new Agents from now on, you can use them in official esports competitions for example, First Strike.
- Flash Adjustment: The flash debuff fades remain the same duration, but now fades slower in the beginning
- Full flash time increase from 1.75 > 2
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- Trapwire & Spy Camera: Deactivated and revealed after character dies
- Deactivation Range: Alarmbot and Turret now deactivate if he is more than 40m from them—returning to 40m range will reactivate both.
- Cooldown decrease after taking from 20 seconds > 10 seconds
- Alarmbot detection range reduction from 9 m > 7 m
- Cooldown decrease after taking from 20 seconds > 7 seconds
- Reduction of Nanoswarm detection range from 5 m > 3.5 m
- Increased damage from 40/s > 45/s
- Damage is now calculated much smoother and faster when near Nanoswarm, no longer 10 every seconds
Competitive Valorant Patch Mod Update 1.11
- Icebox enters Competitive map rotation. Icebox, like all new maps from now on, will be usable in official e-sport competitions (e.g. First Strike) after four weeks in the Competitive queue
- Shorter Unrated queue times for the highest ranked player. We took steps to address an issue for elite players experiencing long queue times for Unrated mode. We are also looking for solutions to reduce long queue times for all major modes.
- Added current gamepod location to loading screen for all modes
- Adjusted Kombat Score to account for non-destructive aid
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Game Mode Update
- The “Play On All Rounds” option is now available in the custom game lobby options. Keep Playing All Rounds makes it easy to play practice sessions. When activated, the match no longer ends when a team achieves 13 wins; otherwise, the match will continue until both teams have each played half of the 12 innings. After 24 rounds, the team that wins more rounds wins. If a tie, the game will continue with extra time.
Game System Update
Update on Economic Rules
- Attackers who lose, but survive throughout the round without placing Spike receive fewer credits (1,000)
- Lost defense, but survives the entire round after Spike explodes also receives less credit (1,000)
- Dying because of Spike no longer counts as a death in KDA stats.
- Additional economic information is added as a caption when hovering over the exclamation mark next to “Next Round Min” in the shop
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Other Changes
- Minor fixes to the observer flash indicator
- New setting for observers: ‘Show Player’s Key Bind on Map’
- New Custom Game Option: ‘Play All Rounds’. Both teams played all 12 innings on offense and defense, followed by extra time/end of game (if applicable).
Game Performance Update
- The left-handed display model can now be used by players. Players can switch their first-person view mode to left-handed by going to the settings menu and switching their viewing mode to “left-handed”. Changing this setting will also display all other players as left-handed when they are observers.
- Now you can send direct messages by clicking on a friend’s name in the chat without having to type their name
- Players who AFK or alt-tab for more than 5 minutes will now be shown as ‘Out of place’ in the Social Panel
- [BETA] Experimental Sharpening
- These graphics settings were accidentally applied in the last patch, and we were about to remove them, but you guys actually asked us to keep them. So, those settings are still there, but with some defaults already set. We don’t know when we will optimize the performance, or adjust it further, so consider this an ongoing Beta.
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- Fixed one source of combat glitches reported by players
- We’re continuing to investigate the combat glitches players reported in the recent patch. This patch includes a fix for one of the most common glitches we’ve seen during combat. While we hope this action resolves the issue for most players, we’re still actively tracking other glitches we’ve seen in your videos.
- Jett now can’t run on a rope
- Fixed a bug that caused incoming Group invites to remain active in the Social Panel even after being rejected
- Players no longer see spike locations when reconnecting to the game
- Fixed an issue where player corpses could cause collision problems
- Sage’s wall segment no longer collapses if players die on it
- Fixed a bug that disabled queuing for any mode if the player closed the client during the Found Match countdown.
- Fixed a bug showing the Stage Rank badge on the MVP screen outside of the Competitive Queue.
That’s the valorant patch 1.11 update from Riot Games. For more details, you can visit the official page Valorant following.
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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Thank you.
About the author: @ransltn
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