Bug FF 2020: How To Get Out Of The Training Ground Race!

Source: Youtube Si Sutups
Want to know the Latest FF bug in 2020?
One of the modes in the game Free Fire namely Training Ground is one of the modes that you really have to play.
Where in this mode you can try many things, even he said you can practice being a pro Free Fire player.
But in this mode there are lots of bugs which of course you can try each one on your Free Fire account.
One of them is in the amphibious car at the Free Fire Training Ground, guys! Cars that can jump, and run on water, you know!
Let’s see how the bugs are!
Exit the Training Ground
Now for those of you who don’t know, Youtuber The Sutups, have tried this bug and it works!
We still don’t know if this was a deliberate action by Garena or a bug that hasn’t been fixed.
There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!
To get out of the training ground racetrack, you have to using a big white car who can jump it, guys!
Now the method is very easy, you just need to search stepping board which is in the vicinity of the racing track.

When you want to jump, you guys press the jump button on the right, then press the N20 button until you guys fly out of the arena.
Why should it be on the springboard? So that you can take the right height to pass through the walls of the racing arena.
Also Read: Here are the 3 Latest Bugs in the 2020 Training Ground Free Fire (FF)
Also Read: Buffs and Nerf Weapons in the Latest Free Fire Update!
Amphibious Car Bug
Actually, if we pay attention to the video The Sutups that, we can know that the mistake actually happened to the car.
Yes! The jump and Nos combo on the car can allow us to do anything.
Like running the car when we get off, stuck in a tree for hiding, and so on.
So for those of you who are curious, you can really try it guys, who knows, you can enjoy this FF 2020 bug that can get out of the training ground area!
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