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Metro Exodus PS5 Review, Feels Like Playing a New Next-Gen Game!

While many developers are still trying to improve their games from technical problems that plague players, most are also trying to perfect their already brilliant works. We usually see this often from those who make remastered versions of classic games, but there are also those who bring changes to make the game worthy of being called a next-gen title. At least this is how we feel with Metro Exodus PlayStation 5 version.

This latest release from one of the most popular FPS game franchises is a truly outstanding game, especially in terms of graphics. Just being able to play the ported version directly to PS5 will still amaze many people with its quality, but developer 4A Games wants to ensure a special gaming experience on the next-gen console. For that we happened to have played the PS5 version of the game for the past few days and got enough impressions to put it in a review.

Before entering the review..

Because it’s still the same game, as you can guess, there aren’t many significant changes in terms of content, concepts and gameplay mechanics offered. The review that we have summarized this time only focuses on the aspects of the overhaul that was brought along as well as comparisons with the original game on PS4 and PC.

So… What’s New?

It’s no secret that Metro Exodus is one of the best graphics games on the market today. The experience of adventuring in the post-apocalyptic city of Russia is now even more stressful because now we can play the game at stable performance with better graphics. Of course, we won’t just fall for it and say that this is the best version, because in fact Metro Exodus still looks more attractive when played on PC. But if you compare it to the PS4, then the difference is only clear.

Some of the visual changes for the PS5 version include support for 4K resolution, additional Global Illumination effects, and the most mandatory in the next-gen game now, Ray-Tracing. Some of these features may not be that inviting to some, but believe me, they manage to make Metro Exodus feel like a new next-gen game. One of the things we love most about Metro games is how they manage to create such a different atmosphere in every corner of even the smallest area. Some areas look so beautiful and others are not so flashy, but you will always feel the consistency to maintain that beauty. This allows us to appreciate the game more, such as how one small example is enjoying the transition when entering a dense snowy area from inside a building that seems to give a shivering sensation. Little things like this are what we like to look for the most when playing games that focus on graphic fidelity.

Ray-Tracing plays a very important role and unfortunately, we are not sure if this additional feature is a good thing or not. Of course, now the game looks more realistic with enhanced lighting effects, but at the same time we often had a hard time trying to explore dark places. Although you can use a flashlight or lighter, this is not always an option because sometimes the enemy can see you clearly. Picking up scattered items is also still a hassle because you have to stand in one specific place until the command button appears. So in the end we often spam the box button in hopes of retrieving the item faster. You can also get bullets from several places, but the problem is this game doesn’t provide clear visual clues about where the items you can pick up are. This troublesome sensation will be more pronounced when you are in dark areas.

Luckily we were able to adapt to the new lighting in no time, because in terms of graphics we really liked it when played on PS5. It’s not surprising, because we think the game still looks better on PC, but at least a surprising difference comes from the implementation of the DualSense feature. For example, now you can feel resistance when trying to fire bullets from different types of weapons. This feature never fails to impress us because every game that implements it always offers a different sensation. For Metro Exodus, the more bullets you want to shoot, the more difficult it is to maintain the momentum of the shot because of the resistance we mentioned earlier.

We cannot call the same thing as Haptic Feedback, because throughout the game we are only given a static or flat vibration effect that does not have its own unique impression. Because it feels uncomfortable, we have tried to turn off the feature, but Metro Exodus does not offer that option. So for the accessibility part, it can’t be called perfect, but at least this game blends naturally with some PS5 exclusive features such as Activity Cards that help you to continue the progress of the game instantly, or Game Help to provide some kind of special guide. The rest? There is no more part that we can discuss other than the next-gen upgrade portion which is indeed a differentiator from other versions.


You could say this is a case of bringing a game to the latest platform and placing it as one of the titles that can compete strongly with other next-gen games on the market. But even though it comes as a better version than PS4, Metro Exodus PS5 for us is still inferior to the PC version. We’ve done it on PC, and the fact that the game looks better even without the maximum graphics settings is quite impressive. We happened to be playing Metro Exodus PS5 on an old LG TV with a 28-inch screen, so maybe this could be the reason why the game doesn’t look as detailed as when played on a PC.

The implementation of the DualSense feature is something that deserves appreciation, but still, the Enhanced Version of the game on PC also brings support for the same feature. So even if it doesn’t make it special, we can still guarantee that Metro Exodus on PS5 can offer the maximum gaming experience compared to the previous generation platform.

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