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[Preview] NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139…, Older Cry More Beautiful

Of the many games that are planned for release in 2021, to be honest NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… is the game we are probably looking forward to the most. For a gamer who knows the original Nier series as one of the first PS3 games to play, being able to see this game from high school memories revived is a pleasure in itself.

Our expectations so far are quite positive, because from the gameplay videos and screenshots shared, developer Toy Logic managed to overhaul the gameplay and visual quality without making many changes to the core of the game itself. If NieR: Automata can stun many gamers with its emotional story full of unique conclusions, then we can’t wait to see the reaction of newcomers to play the original game which, in our opinion, is even better in terms of story and characters.

Incidentally Square Enix has given us the opportunity to try out the game first. Because it is still tied to the embargo, at this time we can only provide a brief review or preview of the playing experience obtained. Instead of being curious, just take a look at our preview summary below!


One change that is definitely the main attraction of NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… is the visual quality, and for this one we are very satisfied. Apart from the quality of the textures and asset modifications to make the level design in the game look better, each character has also been remade with a new perfect 3D model. Starting from Brother Nier, Yonah, to Kaine now looks closer to the style of DK who is the artist or character designer of the original game. Our complaint may only be aimed at Emil in the form of a “Weapon,” which we found looked more intimidating in the former PS3 version.

Apart from the quality of the textures and asset modifications to make the level design in the game look better, each character has also been remade with a new perfect 3D model.

In addition to changing the character model, the developer even did a re-recording session involving the voice actors from the original game. When it was fun to compare the Opening Movie trailers from the classic and modern versions, we didn’t even hesitate to mention that the new sound recording did feel more animated. Mai Kadowaki as the voice of Emil also continues to carry his character with a voice that still sounds very young, something that is hard to believe considering that Kadowaki is currently in his fourth year.

It’s certainly not a Nier game if it doesn’t come with high-end music, and for this one the game offers a collection of soundtracks that have been re-arranged by Keiichi Okabe. We really like the latest versions of each of the existing music strains, and some of them are even better than the original versions. But there are also those that are even less suitable, for example like Kainé – Another Edit Version which has a faster tempo in the middle of the song, which we prefer with a slower tune. But everyone’s tastes are different, so who knows you might prefer this new version.

Because the game is closer to the version "soft remake", you will be presented with gameplay plots to story cutscenes that are still the same, but with better graphics.

Because the game is closer to the “soft remake” version, you will be presented with a gameplay plot to story cutscenes that are still the same, but with better graphics. We also really like how the graphics are dominated by more natural color filters with each level, because in the original game each area felt unsightly due to excessive yellow saturation.

Camera angles that often change according to level design are also still maintained, so there are some parts of the game where you have to control your character as if you were playing a 2D platformer or top-down RPG like a dungeon crawler.


One thing we immediately felt when playing the game was that the character control and combat system had really been perfected. Now everything feels smoother and deserves to be juxtaposed with action games in the modern era. Different from NieR: Automata where you can carry 2 weapons at once, in this game you can only hold one weapon which is divided into several types and types of Heavy (strong) and Light (light) attacks. Because your character can easily divert strong and light attacks, the combo system in this game also feels very easy to execute.

One thing we immediately felt when playing the game was that the character control and combat system had really been perfected.

Everything really feels responsive, especially knowing that you can dodge-cancel as well which makes the battle flow more controlled. There is no Perfect Dodge like in NieR: Automata which we really don’t like because you can spam anytime and avoid enemy attacks very easily. However, it is different from the standard dodge system in NieR Replicant, which feels more traditional and emphasizes the right timing.

The right timing doesn’t only depend on avoiding attacks, because in this latest version of NieR Replicant there is also an additional block/parry system. You can block attacks with blocks, but we recommend training your reflexes so you can parry, because you can execute a strong counterattack to the enemy plus there is satisfaction every time you successfully execute it.

You will not fight alone, because there is Grimoire Weiss that acts as a long-range weapon that can release magic power (similar to the Pod in NieR: Automata).

You will not fight alone, because there is Grimoire Weiss that acts as a long-range weapon that can release magic power (similar to the Pod in NieR: Automata). Weiss is always on the move following Nier, so you can give commands via special buttons and use lock-on to fire magic projectiles at enemies. There are also several different movesets where Weiss can launch stronger physical attacks, and can even be executed while the character is jumping or in the air.

The overall gameplay system is simple, but there are always ways to make it more fun, such as experimenting with other weapons and creating new combos. What is clear is that when compared to the original game, there is no doubt that in terms of gamepay, NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… managed to perfect it well.

Weapons and Magic

As we mentioned in the previous point, there are various variations of weapons that you can choose according to your playing style. Each of these weapons also has a different moveset, attack range, and default stats, so make sure to try every weapon that you manage to get because there may be areas to difficult bosses that you can only defeat with weapons that you haven’t tried.

Each of these weapons also has a different moveset, attack range, and default stats, so make sure to try every weapon that you manage to get because there may be areas to difficult bosses that you can only defeat with weapons that you haven't tried.We really like each and every magic, but if you have to choose which one is the best, maybe Dark Spear is the best because the effect of the spear attack and its intensity can be adjusted after defeating strong enemies like bosses.

Grimoire Weiss’ role as a companion weapon also opens up a lot of experimental space with gameplay involving magic. There are various kinds of magic such as Dark Blast, Spear, Hand, Gluttony and Phantasm with different attack and damage effects. We really like each and every magic, but if we have to choose which one is the best, maybe Dark Spear is our choice because the effect of the spear attack and its intensity can be adjusted after defeating strong enemies like bosses. Every time we execute it we feel a badass sensation compared to other magics.

Experience So far

Our expectations were high at the beginning, and after playing the game firsthand, it turns out that the experience we get is in line with our expectations.

Our expectations were high at the beginning, and after playing the game firsthand, it turns out that the experience we get is in line with our expectations. Whether it’s better graphics, or smoother and more responsive action gameplay, this is definitely our most satisfying gaming experience with NieR Replicant after finishing the original game twice.

We mention “Old Tears Are More Beautiful” in the title because the story in Nier’s original game is indeed more emotional than that of Automata. And NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… only makes those old memories feel more beautiful, while preserving the emotional impression that we always feel every time we remember the game.

We will summarize the full review when the embargo is lifted and after we are full we will play further.

Be sure to stay up to date with other game news on Gamerwk.

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