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TP-Link Wi-Fi Smartplug HS100 Brings Future Residential Concepts


The development of technology is currently so rapid that finally a new innovation for a dwelling or often referred to as smart home technology home). Smart home is a future residential concept where people can manage all electronic devices in their homes using a system that has been integrated into their home smartphone.

Seeing the fast development and the increasing number of people who need technology smart home Therefore, in 2017 TP-Link Indonesia created devices that can make it easier for residents of the house to manage their electronic equipment. Wi-Fi smartplug HS100 is one product smart home TP-Link to be launched in the second quarter of this year.

“In this day and age, people have increasingly crowded activities, traffic jams force people to work early to go to work. This often causes people to leave their electronic devices on which can increase the risk of a short circuit or a fire. Wi-Fi Smartplug HS100 is a device smart home which helps the public in monitoring the use of electricity from electronic devices that are connected via smartphone” explained TP-Link Indonesia Country Director, Wilson Lu.

Wi-Fi Smartplug HS100 is a smart power socket device that supports the concept smart home where users can control and schedule the use of electronic devices at home wirelessly via smartphone users from anywhere and anytime. Wi-Fi’s simple and elegant design Smartplug The HS100 makes this product suitable for use at work or at home.

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HS100 users can set a schedule to turn on and off electronic devices, such as televisions, water kettles, fans, and so on according to their needs. Wi-Fi settings and usage Smartplug HS100 can be easily done through the app Gauze which can be downloaded on PlayStore and AppStore. After being installed in smartphoneWith just one click, users can control connected electronic devices from anywhere.

Wi-Fi Smartplug The HS100 is small, measuring 10.3 x 6.6 x 7.7 cm, has buttons power on & settings, and can be used on 100-240VAC amperage. The maximum current that can pass through the HS100 is up to 16A.

Product Development and Marketing Head of TP-Link Indonesia, Daniel Thian said, TP-Link wants to create the best products for the community so that it is easier for people to manage their devices at home anytime and from various places.

“In addition to creating innovative products such as Wi-Fi, Smartplug With this HS100, we also want to educate the public about smart technology that can help make it easier for people to do their daily work,” said Daniel.

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