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SteelSeries Offers Rival 700 . Modular Gaming Mouse

Well-known company in the field gaming¸SteelSeries, just released mouse which they claim to be gaming mouse the world’s first modular codenamed Rival 700. What are the features and benefits offered?

Personalization is the goal the Rival 700 is made possible gamer to change some aspects in mouse they. At the moment, mouse uses a 16,000 CPI optical sensor, but in the future you can change it to a higher level. This means you can upgrade the sensor tracking without having to buy mouse new. In addition, Rival 700 is also possible gamer replace faceplates with different textures and designs. And, of course nothing gaming mouse This modern one doesn’t offer customizable RGB LED lighting to match your PC’s colors.


The SteelSeries Rival 700 also includes two USB cables, a 3-foot-long rubber cable for gaming-on-the-go and 6 feet nylon cable for use desktop. Also available display OLED on the side mouse so that gamer can add graphics to their liking. You can even upload animated GIFs to play on the screen. Not only that, display it can also show game stats, profile mouse, and settings CPI.

Lastly, a feature that SteelSeries Rival 700 offers is a tactile alert to alert you if a character games You are short on energy or need to reload weapons. All of this can be managed via the SteelSeries Engine app. Currently, the Rival 700 is available exclusively on the company’s website and is priced at $99.

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