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5 Modern Games That Can Use Cheats

As gamers, we certainly hate it when we meet other players who use cheats. Even though in the ancient game era, the presence of cheat codes was still often encountered. Not even a few developers who slipped it in the game. But because this is the era of multiplayer games that can even be played online, cheats are illegal.

But did you know that in today’s modern games, you can still use cheats. Although it can only be used in single player mode, you can easily use it. Here are 5 modern games that still allow players to use cheats.

Mega Man Legacy Collection 2

Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 is a collection of several games Mega Man classics wrapped in one. Continue Mega Man Legacy Collection, this package includes Mega Man 7 until MegaMan 10. This series is famous for its high level of difficulty. So it’s quite difficult to unlock bonus content by having to complete all the titles.

Fortunately, passing short key combinations will help players access to get Mega Man 9 and Mega Man 10 which comes as DLC. On the title screen in any of the games, simply press up, down, left, right, left, right, down, up, up, down. If the code is correct there will be a sound effect that comes out.

Saints Row IV

From the character progression only, Saints Row IV already feels like playing with cheat codes. But the developer actually gives players a bigger advantage by presenting a special menu to enter cheat codes. By entering certain codes, players can get things like invincible cars, unlimited money, or unlocking abilities before getting into the story.

Just go to the HUB menu, then select EXTRA and enter the CHEAT option. When you get there, you can enter cheat codes like “letsrock” to get all the weapons that can be used.

Presence Spyro: Reignited Trilogy indeed managed to bring back the purple dragon from the PS1 era to today’s modern gaming era. At that time, cheat codes were very common. Fortunately, the developer still includes this feature for players who want to play around with the “cheat code”.

Even better, the developer doesn’t turn off the Trophy when players play this game with cheats. So you are free to use it however you want. To access cheats in Spyro: Reignited Trilogy PS4 and Xbox One versions, you just have to go to the Pause Menu. Then enter a cheat code like R2, L2, R2, L2, Up, Up, Up, Up, O to get 99 lives.

Red Dead Redemption 2

As usual, Rockstar Games also included a cheat code mechanism in the game Red Dead Redemption 2. With the available cheat codes, Rockstar seems happy with players who like to “damage” with the riots that are made in their games, including Red Dead Redemption 2.

Just enter the Pause Menu, then select the Settings option and press Triangle, you can easily use cheats. But what’s different, cheats in Red Dead Redemption 2 using sentences that you can actually find by buying newspapers in the game. Simply by entering the phrase “Greed is now a virtue”, you can get $500 instantly. However, when using cheats, you cannot save the game and cannot get achievements and trophies.

Grand Theft Auto V

As is a tradition, Rockstar always inserts a cheat mechanism in Grand Theft Auto (GTA). They also don’t remove it in GTA V, so players can enjoy self-created “riots”. To access the cheat, players can enter via a key combination or enter a phone number in the game. For example, unlock your phone and enter 1-999-3844-8483 to lower your wanted level by one star.

Keep in mind, you can’t save the game or get achievements and trophies when the cheat is active.


Those are the five modern games that allow players to use cheats. Actually, the choice to use cheats in single player mode even though is in your hands as a player. As long as it doesn’t harm other players and is allowed by the developer.

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