Doublelift's Mother, Professional League of Legends Player, Killed Dead
To anyone who plays League of Legends, must know who Doublelift is. He is a professional LoL player, playing in the ADC (Attack Damage Carry) position, and previously he was in the CLG (Counter Logic Gaming) and TSM (Team Solo Mid) teams. Now he plays for the TL team (Team Liquid). This morning, I just got the news that his mother had died as a result of an attack from his older brother, Yihong Peng. If you want to know more, come on, come with me in this entry.
Yihong Peng, 30, the older brother of Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng, was detained in Orange County, California last Saturday and charged with murder guilt after he confessed to stabbing his mother to death and seriously injuring his father.
Doublelift said in Twitlonger on Sunday, last night:
‘ This week I got some bad news. My brother attacked my parents with a knife. From the attack, my mother died and my father is still recovering at the hospital. ”
Yihong Peng was arrested and imprisoned in the Orange County Jail for murder and may be bailed out with 1 million USD. The police are investigating the motive behind this attack and murder.

This is a sad matter for Yiliang “Doublelift Peng”, I hope he will persevere and I am here to say my condolences to him for the death of his mother.
Source : ESPN
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