Get to know 5 New Yordle Champions Coming to the Wild Rift
League of Legends: Wild Rift made by Riot Games will soon end Season 0 and start a new season, Season 1. In this first season, Riot Games will bring the Yordle theme to the game. Later there will be 5 new Champions which have been confirmed to be entered into the game soon.
The five Champions Yordles to be released in Wild Rift including Teemo, Kennen, Tristana, Corki, and Lulu. The following is a review of the 5 new Yordle champions that will be released in League of Legends: Wild Rift.

Teemo is a Champions that has been shown from the start by Riot Games through teasers that have appeared. However, Teemo’s whereabouts are still a mystery and will almost certainly arrive at the beginning of season 1. Currently, the new Champions Yordle is here Wild Rift are Fizz and Ziggs.
Teemo is usually used as Champions Baron Laner. The main ability of Teemo is that his mushrooms can be spread throughout the map and when stepped on, the enemy will be exposed to damage and poison. In addition, Teemo can also disappear and will be very inconvenient for enemy Baron Laner Champions who need farming at the beginning of the game.

Kennen is a ninja from the Yordle and has the ability of lightning. Kennen usually plays as Baron Laner and also as a counter to melee Champions such as Fiora, Darius, and Gragas. Kennen has the ability to join or leave the fight quickly. In addition, the most frightening of Kennen is his ultimate. Kennen can issue a stream of lightning in the surrounding area that can stun and damage his enemies, almost the same as the ultimate skill of Amumu.

This friend from Teemo is finally coming to Wild Rift along with the other yordles. Tristana is a killing machine that plays as the team’s AD Carry / Marksman. Tristana focuses on attack speed which will be very useful in the late game. In addition, Tristana also has good mobility for Champions Marksman and gives CC (Crowd Control) in the form of a knock-back to enemy Champions with his ultimate skill.

Yordle, who likes to ride airplanes, also has the same attack damage as Tristana. Corki can play as a Midlaner or as a team AD Carry. The advantage of Corki is his mobility that can run quickly in the map. His high mobility can also slide with his skill abilities. Therefore, Corki can be played as a Midlaner or as an AD Carry depending on the needs of the team.

The last yordle to be released at the beginning of season 1 is Lulu. This Champions is a Support that can be an alternative for players Wild Rift. Lulu’s main weapon is the ultimate skill that will make the target (the team’s own Champions) bigger and get additional HP and make enemy Champions around the target get slow and knock up effects. Lulu is also a Poker Champions who will make it difficult for the opposing Dragon Laner duo to fight against her.
Those were the 5 Champions Yordles that will be present at the beginning of season 1 League of Legends: Wild Rift. With the arrival of these new Champions, it seems that it will change the game meta more or less, especially in Baron Laner. In addition, the five champions also have hidden potential that players can feel when playing the game Wild Rift later.
Currently, there are still many Champions Yordles that have not been released by Riot Games, including Gnar, Heimerdinger, Kled, Poppy, Rumble, and Veigar. Which Champions Yordle are you looking forward to coming to League of Legends: Wild Rift?
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