Resident Evil Village Will Be Made Larger Than RE 7!
Capcom the franchise owner looks ready for the arrival of the console Next Gen. They are proud to announce their proud game, Resident Evil Village. Continued franchise from Resident Evil 7, the latest game in the Console era with the ability Next Gen. Capcom itself seems to have been waiting for this for a long time.
Lately too Capcom have made announcements for several of their major games, so that later it can look perfect on the latest console released in the last few months, namely Playstation 5. At the launch of the second Resident Evil Village Trailer, They released it right after the Console announcement PS 5 from Sony.
At the present Tokyo Game Show Event, Capcom even give presentation time to Resident Evil Village During 30 minutes. They explain in detail about the development of this game, and the details of some of the mechanisms that will be present later. The creators of Resident Evil Village admitted that this game will be wider than their previous project i.e RE 7.

sc: Capcom
Resident Evil Village Comes “First Person” So We Can Enjoy The World In This Game
Will be present immersively this game will be genre First Person Shooter again. Sato, Producer of games the, Peter Fabiano also hope First Person Shooter and free exploration into a formula that makes the experience even more immersive for fans.
“When you hear the word Village, maybe in your mind is a small place. But we made it bigger than you might think. There are mountains around the village which are very beautiful. The map will be wide. Because our goal is to surprise you like, ‘Woah! It turns out that I can go here, it’s really cool’, said Sato.
This new concept will certainly make gamers curious, especially for loyal fans of our franchise Capcom this. Rich in new concepts, wider, more interesting, unique mechanics, and clear visuals, this slick will be released on next year. Will release on Platform PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC.
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