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YUU, the Chatbot of the Nation's Children!

yuu chatbot

The rapid development of technology in the world and also the Indonesian people who are increasingly accustomed to messaging applications as a means of communication, has prompted an Indonesian startup to create an AI (Artificial Intelligence) robot that can be chatted with like a human. YUU is a chatbot created by the nation’s children that is designed to be a loyal friend of its users. In 2016 Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, said “bots are the new apps,” and predicted the use of chatbots in the world is expected to explode in the near future. On the other hand, Business Insider research says that the number of messaging application users in the world has exceeded users of social media applications, so YUU is present as a chatbot that is integrated into one of the most popular messaging applications in Indonesia, namely LINE to help the daily life of Indonesian people.


YUU, which means “friend” in Japanese, can be used on the LINE messaging app by adding YUU as a friend, whose official account ID is @helloyuu. After YUU becomes a friend, users can directly chat and try out YUU’s abilities. In the future, YUU will also be available on other messaging applications such as Telegram and Facebook Messenger. “Equipped with artificial intelligence technology (Artificial Intelligence), natural language processing, as well as an extensive vocabulary database, YUU comes with an 18-year-old female character who can be chatted, joked and even sulked if YUU feels offended. Not only that, YUU can certainly provide information such as the latest news, weather forecasts, zodiac forecasts and much more to be useful for users.” said Arie Nasution, CEO of YUU. For example, if a user wants to know today’s horoscope, the user can simply ask YUU “What’s my horoscope today?” Then YUU will provide the user’s zodiac forecast today.

In addition, YUU can also provide weather forecasts for today or tomorrow in any city in Indonesia. Just ask YUU for “tomorrow’s weather forecast”. This is useful for anticipating users’ travel plans. And if a user wants to find trending news or even news on any topic, just ask YUU “what’s new?” to get the latest news. Previously, users had to open different applications to get this information, now users only need to ask YUU using everyday language through the messaging application that you already use, namely LINE. This is possible because YUU already uses Natural Language Processing or NLP technology in Indonesian.

Since the BETA version was launched in January 2017, YUU currently has more than 10,000 users. To date, 39% of the average daily active user chats with YUU the most in the 12pm to 6pm period, followed by 35% in the 6pm to 12pm period. Uniquely, YUU is busiest in the period from 1 pm to 2 pm. “It seems that many users chat with Yuu during breaks or after lunch,” continued Arie. “We think the key to YUU’s success is the uniqueness and convenience that YUU offers. But just like an 18-year-old woman, YUU definitely has her limitations and has a lot to learn. Like parents, we are happy and proud of YUU’s progress so far. We hope that YUU can continue to help the people of Indonesia.” Arie closed [Mikami]

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