How to get all endings in NieR Replicant

How to get all endings in NieR Replicant – There are five different endings. Here’s how to get to all endings in the Nier Replicant game easily.
Game NieR Replicant offers a very good storyline and is quite long. From this long journey, unfortunately you will only get one ending.
There are as many as five ending NieR Replicant that you can get. All of these endings, of course, have their own endings. All you need is time to complete the five endings. Here Gamexran explains how to get all NieR Replicant endings easily.
How to get all endings in NieR Replicant
The best way to solve all ending NieR Replicant is to solve them sequentially. There are five endings which are divided into Ending A, Ending B, Ending C, Ending D and Ending E. However, you have to save each ending in a separate file, Gaess. This will help you to reduce the time needed to complete each ending. READ ALSO: The 6 Best Gaming Keyboards of 2021
1. Ending A
As Gamexran mentioned before. All you need is to finish the game for the first time.
2. Ending B
After you successfully complete the game for the first time and see how Ending A is. Please reload your same save file, this will start the game part 2. You just have to play the game NieR Replicant with new cutscenes and new story details to get Ending B. If you have , you reload your game one more time to return to the same place. READ ALSO: 5 Cheap Gaming Chairs Commonly Used by Beginner Youtubers
3. Ending C
In Ending C, you won’t find anything new. The goal of Ending C, you just need to collect all weapon which is in the game. Before you meet the new final boss, please create a new save file. After you defeat the boss, please choose to end the boss by attacking them through his heart.
4. Ending D
Please reload the save file before reaching Ending C. To get this Ending D, make sure you have completed Ending C, finding all weapon in part 2 and fight the boss. In Ending D, please choose to make the boss human again. This will trigger Ending D NieR Replicant and will delete all your saved files. Before you choose, back up all storage files to an external hard disk. READ ALSO: 5 Best Gaming Laptop Recommendations for 10-20 Million Rupiah
5. Ending E
Ending E is a new game. So maybe you are a little confused about how to get this E NieR Replicant ending. Once you reach Ending D, start saving a new file and name the character something different. Then you play the game until Kaine joins the party. It is at this point that he will become a character you can play and a new story will unfold.
That’s how to get all NieR Replicant endings easily. How? Do you understand Gamexran’s explanation? If you don’t understand, please read Gamexran’s explanation carefully. READ ALSO: 10 Best Apex Weapons in Legends For Beginners, Guaranteed GG!
Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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About the Author: @ransltn
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